6 Things Every Realtor Should Know About Windows
In preparation for a home inspection and preferably prior to listing a home, the windows and any sliding doors need careful attention. Cleaning and troubleshooting will go a long way to insuring a smooth sales transaction. Open each window and check for ease of operation. Sliding windows or doors may have worn rails. Some are easily adjustable with the turn of a screw. A silicone spray may help sliding operation. (Do not use WD40) Windows that slide up and down often have broken balance channels. These can be easily replaced for smooth operation. Look for failed Panes. Some are very obvious but often a failed pane is subtle. Look for diagonal lines across glass, spotting, or fog. This is best done when windows are clean. Many window manufactures offer a lifetime warranty for the life of the first owner. If the seller is the first owner, take advantage of the warranty before you list. The manufacturer will have the address on file. Windows are the larges...