Hard to Remove Hard Water Stains

Hard water stains; a major eyesore on glass.They can also be difficult to remove. Below are two options.

For mild cases, try using vinegar,pure lemon juice and baking soda.

1. spray lemon juice directly onto stains and let set for couple minutes

2. mix vinegar and lemon juice in equal parts then add the baking soda to your solution until you get a consistency similar to that of soft scrub.

3.Using a scouring pad apply your mixture to the surface with small circular motions.For the corners you could use a toothbrush. you may hear a light fizzing sound,that would be the baking soda reacting with the liquids.When done rinse and smile.

Prevent new stains by spraying a solution of vinegar and water onto your shower doors frequently.

There are many over the counter products that work with window stain, just takes elbow grease and use a good scrubbing pad.  The key is not to let the stain build up to where its a big job, clean often to prevent buildup.

Want to talk to a professional, click HERE for Lighthouse Window Cleaning.


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