Word of Mouth Marketing is Critical for Small Business

I recently came across this interesting article in Forbes magazine written by Kimberly Whitler


I certainly couldn’t agree more.  85% of our new business comes from referrals.  As the owner of a small business, it is the life blood of my company.  So I want to thank each and every one of my customers for getting the word out and helping contribute to the growth of Lighthouse Window Cleaning.

God Bless You,

"Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM). Isn’t this really the original social media platform? I grew up with the famous Faberge commercial that showed a woman who “told 2 friends” about the product and how “they told 2 friends … and so on … and so on”. Hasn’t WOM always been a powerful way to influence business results?

"I recently attended a conference where I heard several experts on different types of social and mobile marketing present. Suzanne Fanning, President of WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association), gave a very interesting, data-based presentation on the power of WOMM and contemporary efforts to create experiences worthy of being passed from person-to-person. What follows are thoughts she shared with me regarding the importance of WOMM and examples of how marketers are taking advantage of its power.

Why should Marketers care about WOMM?

If you could master what has been identified as the most valuable form of marketing—the one that consumers trust above all others and the one that is most likely to drive sales for your company — would you instead choose to ignore it or leave it to chance?

Why would you simply choose to sit back and hope conversations will just happen organically about your brand? If you want to win the marketing race in 2015, you need to unleash the power of word of mouth.

Let’s look at the facts. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. WOMMA and the American Marketing Association (AMA) decided to find out exactly what brands were doing about that fact. In a recent study, 64% of marketing executives indicated that they believe word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing. However, only 6% say they have mastered it.

Lighthouse Window Cleaning is founded in faith by John Shanahan in 1996. John has built his business on hard work, integrity, and service. Lighthouse Window Cleaning now proudly serves hundreds of home owners and businesses in Placer county, Nevada County, Sacramento County and El Dorado County.


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